
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Land of the Lost Game Art: Achievments

Often times in game art land things get shelved for a variety of reasons. Here's some achievement art from various Big Sea games. It's here for historical and showcase purposes. I drew all of them in Flash.

Thunderbolt 21

Tri-Peaks Solitaire

Canfield Solitaire


Yukon Solitaire

Unwell Mel

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Otyugh Sees the Light

Dear Wizards of the Coast, when you're ready to make a classic AD&D, cartoony, side-scroller. I'll be here for ya...

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Now Showing at Monster Art & Clothing

Owl Frets Not
Lick Me
Drunken Spirits
Open Heart Burn
Milquetoast in God Mode

Monday, July 4, 2011

Art Showing at Monster Art & Clothing

I'm guest artist at Monster Art and Clothing in Ballard for July.
I'll be there on July 9th from 6-9pm for the Ballard Art Walk.

5000 20th Ave. Seattle, WA 98107